Leading experts from both sides of the Atlantic discussed the re-emergence of nuclear power as a complementary asset in the drive to de-carbonize energy resources. In addition to evaluating current demand for nuclear power and the relative cost and capacity issues inherent in the industry's expansion, participants also addressed the challenge of nuclear safety and waste disposal, as well as the current financial and regulatory environments.
Offering their perspectives were: Dominique Ristori, Deputy Director General for DG Energy and Transport at the European Commission; Margaret Doane, Director of the Office of International Programs at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Jacques Besnainou, President of Areva, Inc.; Dr. Alex Severinsky, President of Fuelcor, LLC; Dr. Kevin Crowley, Director of the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board for the National Research Council at the National Academy of Sciences; Dr. Jean-Pierre Benqué, President, Electricité de France International North America, Inc.; Dr. Roland Schenkel, Director General of DG Joint Research Centre at the European Commission; and Richard W. Cortwright, Jr., Managing Director of U.S. Utilities and Infrastructure Ratings at Standard and Poor’s. The Honorable Kristina M. Johnson, Under Secretary of Energy at the Department of Energy, offered the luncheon keynote address. Tom Harrison, Chief Editor Nucleonics Week, Nuclear News Flash, Inside NRC and Nuclear Fuel at Platts moderated this roundtable.