This series serves as a vital source of information for both European and American policymakers, who utilize this platform to introduce and explain policies that have direct bearing on the U.S. and EU governments, the U.S. Congress, the European Parliament, EU member states, business executives and other relevant parties. At this time of uncommon challenges and change, The Institute promotes greater understanding between key public and private sector leaders on issues of common concern and helps develop effective and mutually beneficial solutions. At its best, the Forum serves to diffuse contentious rhetoric on sensitive policy issues and advance the transatlantic dialogue in a constructive direction.

Recent Meetings

On June 27, 2011 The European Institute held a special meeting of its European American Policy Forum with The Honorable Steven Vanackere, the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Reforms.  Mr. Vanackere offered his assessment of the prospects and challenges that lie ahead in Europe’s efforts to further a common, effective and timely foreign policy.

Click here to read the full text of Mr. Vanackere's remarks.

On June 15, 2011, The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Ambassador Valentin Zellweger, head of the Directorate of Public International Law at the Swiss Foreign Ministry, discussed “Neutrality in a Multi-Polar World: Myth or Reality?” This important exchange on the relevance of neutrality in jurisprudence and for nations increasingly bound by regional and international commitments was moderated by Dr. Ruth Wedgwood, Director of the International Law and Organizations Program at SAIS.

On May 25, 2011, The Honorable Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Member of the European Parliament and co-Chair of the Parliament’s European Greens-European Free Alliance Group discussed the growing support for Green Parties across Europe and assessed the increased popularity of the Greens in Europe and the implications of their success on Europe’s priorities and governance. Klaus Linsenmeier, Executive Director of the Heinrich Boll Foundation North American moderated the discussion.

On May 24, 2011, The European Institute hosted a breakfast meeting on the New Dynamic of EU Enlargement: Perspectives from Croatia which featured prominent actors in the accession of Croatia to the EU, Neven Mimica, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and Chairman of the European Integration (Affairs) Committee and Marija Pejcinovic Buric, Chairperson of the Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the Joint Croatia-EU Parliamentary Committee and the Parliamentary Friendship Group Croatia- US. Mr. Mimica and Ms. Pejcinovic Buric discussed the challenges to concluding Croatia’s accession to the EU and the benefits it would bring to Croatia as well as the entire Western Balkan region.

On May 9th, The European Institute held a dinner discussion with His Excellency François Delattre, France’s newly appointed Ambassador to the United States. Paris and Washington now share a more convergent vision, the Ambassador said, as both view the transatlantic relationship as not only key to meeting the new challenges of a multi-polar world, but also as the cornerstone of global economic trade. While particular policy differences remain, the Ambassador stressed the shared Franco-American goal of integrating emerging countries into international institutions. Indeed, this year’s French presidency of the G8 and particularly the G20 is central to furthering ongoing reform of “global governance” on a number of pivotal fronts.