This series serves as a vital source of information for both European and American policymakers, who utilize this platform to introduce and explain policies that have direct bearing on the U.S. and EU governments, the U.S. Congress, the European Parliament, EU member states, business executives and other relevant parties. At this time of uncommon challenges and change, The Institute promotes greater understanding between key public and private sector leaders on issues of common concern and helps develop effective and mutually beneficial solutions. At its best, the Forum serves to diffuse contentious rhetoric on sensitive policy issues and advance the transatlantic dialogue in a constructive direction.

Recent Meetings

The future of higher education, the importance of international education, and transatlantic cooperation on developing educational exchange networks were addressed by Odile Quintin, Director General for Education and Culture at the European Commission and Dr. Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education, who reviewed policy initiatives aimed at supporting international higher education and how universities are refocusing educational priorities. Both speakers were adamant that international education is crucial for economic recovery and development, and that it will equip the students of today for future success. The growing demands for international experience and the changing nature of the global economy make this topic especially relevant. Participants concurred that international dialogue and transatlantic cooperation are key to making crucial changes in the way students are educated.

In his first public speaking engagement since assuming his new position, The Honorable Philip Gordon, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs addressed the Obama Administration’s transatlantic policy and provided an overview of key priorities as the United States seeks to strengthen its political, economic and strategic ties with Europe. Speaking to an audience consisting of 17 European and Eurasian Ambassadors - including His Excellency Sergey Kislyak, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States, as well as members of The European Institute’s Board of Directors and Advisors, he pointed to the U.S. interest in closer cooperation with European allies and suggested that pragmatic cooperation between Moscow and Washington also offered a way forward amid so many global challenges for both countries.

As French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP party exceeded expectations to win 28.5% of the vote the European parliamentary elections, a top-level delegation from the French National Assembly’s Committee for European Affairs, led by Pierre Lequiller, UMP Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs, assessed the implications of these elections on Europe’s governance, and offered their perspectives on prospects for greater transatlantic cooperation on economic, security and environmental issues. The delegation included Michel Herbillon, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs; Bernard Deflesselles, Second Vice President of the Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP) Group of the National Assembly and Member of the Committee for European Affairs; and Jerome Lambert, Member of the Commission of Laws and the Committee for European Affairs.
The Honorable Péter Balázs, Foreign Minister for the Republic of Hungary, discussed the challenges facing Hungary during this current economic downturn and their impact on Europe and the transatlantic relationship. He also reviewed the results of the European Parliamentary elections and their implications for the future of Europe.
UNESCO’s current agenda and the challenges it faces were the focus of a discussion with The Honorable Irina Bokova, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to France and Bulgaria’s Permanent Delegate to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Ambassador Bokova, who is a candidate for the position of Director General of UNESCO, also offered her vision for the organization moving forward. Participants included Donna Roginski, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting), Bureau of International Organizations, U.S. Department of State;  Phil English, Member, U.S. National Commission for UNESCO; and Ambassador Louise Oliver, Former U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO.