On December 15th, in cooperation with NATO, The European Institute held a luncheon meeting to discuss U.S.- EU-NATO relations. Panelists included: Antonella Cerasino, Head of the Countries Section, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO; Ambassador Robert Hunter, Director of the Center for Transatlantic Security Studies in the Institute for National Strategic Studies as the National Defense University; Ambassador Kurt Volker, Managing Director and Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies; Brigadier General Bruno Caitucoli, Defense Attaché at the Embassy of France; and Rory Domm, Political Counselor at the Delegation of the European Union. The discussion was moderated by Leo Michel, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University. This is part of a series of events the Institute will hold in the walkup to the NATO Summit in Chicago in May 2012.