On February 13, 2013, The European Institute hosted a discussion with Robert-Jan Smits, Director General of DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission, on the EU’s new strategic approach to international research and innovation cooperation. With U.S. President Barack Obama’s announcement of the launch of talks for a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Mr. Smits said that both sides of the Atlantic were “rediscovering each other”, and that the common understanding of the potency of innovation as a prime motor for sustainable economic growth, job creation and global competitiveness augured well for increased European-American cooperation. Anna McDermott-Vitak, Executive Director of Global Government Affairs at Amgen, Inc, offered opening remarks, and Dr. Elias Carayannis, Professor of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at George Washington University, moderated the lively exchange.
Mr. Smits' remarks are available here.
On January 18, 2013, The European Institute hosted a discussion with Ambassador Terry Kramer, head of the U.S. Delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), on the successes and disappointments of WCIT-12, during which he shared his assessment of the prospects for continued transatlantic cooperation in maintaining a free and open internet. H.E. Christos Panagopoulos, Ambassador of Greece to the United States offered opening remarks, and Patricia Paoletta, Partner at Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, moderated the lively exchange on views on Internet freedom, the criticality of open markets and commercial agreements, multi-stakeholder governance, and transparency. The event was graciously hosted by the Embassy of Greece.
The World Conference on International Telecommunications (“WCIT” pronounced “wicked”) ended Friday, December 14, failing to gain international consensus on revisions to the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs). The U.S. and three dozen European countries did not sign the new proposed treaty, which was approved by 89 of the approximately 144 states participating, and is intended to go into effect January 2015.
On September 7, The European Institute welcomed Jørgen Abild Andersen, Director General for Telecoms at the Danish Business Authority, to a breakfast discussion on the recent developments in the ICT sector including the internet policy-making principles agreed to at last year’s OECD high-level meeting on the internet economy, which he chaired, and progress made during the Danish EU Presidency towards a European Digital Single Market. Mr. Abild Andersen stressed the importance of ICT’s contribution to economic growth. He also underlined the need for robust communications infrastructure and consumer trust and confidence in eCommerce in order to facilitate the continued development of the digital single market in Europe. The discussion was moderated by Jacquelynn Ruff, Vice President, Public Policy and International Regulatory Affairs, Verizon Communications, Inc.
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