The Hon. Paolo Costa (MEP-Italy), Chairman of the Transport Committee and members of the Committee discussed the status of the EU-U.S. Aviation Agreement (also known as the Open Skies Agreement), the inclusion of aviation into the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), and aviation security issues. U.S. participants included Michael Scardaville, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Policy and International Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Paul Gretch, Director of the Office of International Aviation, U.S. Department of Transportation.

Boeing versus Airbus: The Inside Story of the Greatest International Competition in Business
By John Newhouse, Knopf, 272 pages
Reviewed by Robert Herzstein

“Politics is like baseball: You have to be smart enough to understand the game, but dumb enough to think it’s important.”
—Eugene McCarthy

In the large civil aircraft industry, too, you have to be a player, or a semi obsessive fan, to appreciate the day-today moves and posturing within the big airplane producers and the hundreds of companies and government entities that interact with them.

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In the coming weeks, massive briefs will be exchanged in the World Trade Organization in the opening battle of the legal equivalent of a religious war. The governments of the United States and of the European Union each claim that the other has long given improper government support to its national champion aircraft-maker. As with wars over ideology and abstract principle, the conflict will result in great costs to the combatants and to innocent parties; and the result will be inconclusive. Ancient grudges that gave rise to the battle will be largely unrelated to the practical measures that the parties might be taking to enhance their interests.


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